Exported Functions

    sys::System, Heff_par::Function, Ls_par, traj::Trajectory, psi0::Vector{ComplexF64}, theta::Vector{Float64},

Given a trajectory traj and an initial state $|\psi_0\rangle$, calculate the monitoring state at the times in t_given. The result is returned in an array of dimensions (sys.NLEVELS, sys.NLEVELS, size(t_given)[1]), so to access it at the time t you would do monitoringoperator(t_given, sys, Heff_par, Ls_par, traj, psi0, theta, dtheta)[:, :, t].

getheff_parametrized(H_par::Function, Ls_par)

From the function H_par, which is assumed to be the parametrization of the hamiltonian, and an array of functions Ls which are assumed to parametrize the jump operators, return a function that's the parametrization of the effective Hamiltonian.

About the Arguments

The calculation of monitoring operator assumes that the arguments of H_par and the functions in Ls are the same and in the same order.


Internal Functions

expheff_derivative(Heff_par::Function, tau::Float64, theta::Vector{Float64}, dtheta::Vector{Float64})

Calculate the derivative $\partial_{i}e^{-i\tau H_e(\theta)}$, where $i$ is the $i-th$ component of the vector $\theta$.


  • Heff_par::Function: the parametrization of the effective hamiltonian
  • tau::Float64: the time in the exponential
  • theta::Vector{Float64}: vector with the values of the parameters at which the derivative is calculated
  • dtheta::Vector{Float64}: the displacement vector used to calculate the derivative, if you want the derivative respect to the $i-th$ parameter dtheta must have zero entries except for dtheta[i].
Derivative order

The derivative is calculate using the five-point stencil rule.

TODO: add an example

Preferably one in which $\partial_i H_e$ commutes with $H_e$, those are easier.

jumpoperators_derivatives(Ls_par, theta::Vector{Float64}, dtheta::Vector{Float64})

Calculate the derivatives of the list of jump operators.


  • Ls_par: array with the functions that represent the parametrization of the jump operators
  • theta::Vector{Float64}: vector with the values of the parameters at which the derivative is calculated
  • dtheta::Vector{Float64}: the displacement vector used to calculate the derivative, if you want the derivative respect to the $i-th$ parameter dtheta must have zero entries except for dtheta[i].
Derivative order

The derivative is calculate using the five-point stencil rule.

writederivative!(dpsi::SubArray{ComplexF64, 1}, L::Matrix{ComplexF64},
                          dL::SubArray{ComplexF64, 2},
                          V::Matrix{ComplexF64}, dV::Matrix{ComplexF64},

Writes the derivative of $|\psi\rangle = L(\theta)V(\theta)|\psi_0\rangle$ at $\theta$ in the subarray dpsi respect to the $i-th$ component of $theta$, following the same logic as expheff_derivative. The derivatives of $V$ and $L$ at must be provided via dL and dV.

Initial State dependency

This is intended to be used when $|\psi_0\rangle$ doesn't have dependeny on $\theta$.

writederivative!(dpsi::SubArray{ComplexF64, 1},
                 dL::SubArray{ComplexF64, 2},
                 V::Matrix{ComplexF64}, dV::Matrix{ComplexF64},
                 psi0::SubArray{ComplexF64, 1},
                 dpsi0::SubArray{ComplexF64, 1})

Writes the derivative of $|\psi\rangle = L(\theta)V(\theta)|\psi_0\rangle$ at $\theta$ in the subarray dpsi respect to the $i-th$ component of $theta$, following the same logic as expheff_derivative. The derivatives of $V$ and $L$ at must be provided via dL and dV, and also that of $|\psi(0)\rangle$ as dpsi0.

derivatives_atjumps(sys::System, Heff_par::Function, Ls_par, traj::Trajectory, psi0::Vector{ComplexF64}, theta::Vector{Float64},

Given a trajectory traj calculate all the $\partial_i|\psi_n(\theta)\rangle$ where $|\psi_n(\theta)\rangle$ is the state just after the $n-th$ jump in the trajectory. They are returned as an array of dimensions (size(psi0)[1], size(traj)) so to access the derivative at the $k-th$ jump you would do derivatives_atjumps(sys, Heff_par, Ls_par, traj, psi0, theta, dtheta)[:, k].


  • sys::System: the function to which the trajectory corresponds
  • Heff_par::Function: the function that gives the parametrization of the effective hamiltonian
  • Ls_par: the array with the functions that give the parametrizatio of the jump operators
  • theta::Vector{Float64}: vector with the values of the parameters at which the derivative is calculated
  • dtheta::Vector{Float64}: the displacement vector used to calculate the derivative, if you want the derivative respect to the $i-th$ parameter dtheta must have zero entries except for dtheta[i].
Derivative order

The derivative is calculate using the five-point stencil rule.

writexi!(xi::SubArray{ComplexF64, 2}, dV::Matrix{ComplexF64},
         psi::SubArray{ComplexF64, 1}, psi0::Vector{ComplexF64})

Calculate the monitoring operator when $|\psi(\theta)\rangle = V|\psi_0\rangle$ and $|\psi_0\rangle$ doesn't depend on $\theta$, and write it at the SubArray xi. This is, calculate $d|\psi(\theta)\rangle = dV|\psi_0\rangle$.

writexi!(xi::SubArray{ComplexF64, 2}, V::Matrix{ComplexF64}, dV::Matrix{ComplexF64},
          psijump::SubArray{ComplexF64, 1}, dpsijump::SubArray{ComplexF64, 1},
         psi::SubArray{ComplexF64, 1})

Calculate the monitoring operator when $|\psi(\theta)\rangle = V|\psi_N\rangle$ and $|\psi_N\rangle$ is a state that depends on $\theta$, the result is written at the SubArray xi. This is, calculate $d|\psi(\theta)\rangle = dV|\psi_N\rangle + Vd|\psi_N\rangle$.
